Join The Club
Membership Fees
Single $25
Family $40
Annual membership fees are valid from January to December
Guests and visitors are welcome for a $5 fee for the evening.
Youth under age 14 must be with an adult Club member.
Fees subject to change
Payment Options
By e-transfer
1. Complete the online form (for your contact information) AND send a separate e-transfer (for payment) to membership@cloverleafgardenclub.org
*The name on the form must match the name on the e-transfer. If you are paying for someone else, be sure to tell us in the message section of the e-transfer.
2. By cheque and mail to:
Cloverleaf Garden Club
81 Lakeshore Road East
PO Box 45074, RPO Port Credit
Mississauga, ON L5G 4S7
*Make cheque payable to Cloverleaf Garden Club of Mississauga.
Once we receive both payment and completed New Member Form, we will add your email to our list. You will receive all reminders, notices and information by email.. It's easy.
Renew Your Membership
Welcome back and congratulations on choosing to renew your membership!
You will continue to enjoy all the benefits the Club offers: quality speakers, education, and staying connected.
For renewals, you only need to pay your membership fee. You do not fill out a Membership Form.
Please renew using one of these two options:
1. By e-transfer to membership@cloverleafgardenclub.org
*Please write RENEWAL in the ‘message’ section of the e-transfer.
2. By cheque and mail to:
Cloverleaf Garden Club
81 Lakeshore Road East
PO Box 45074, RPO Port Credit
Mississauga, ON L5G 4S7
*Make cheque payable to Cloverleaf Garden Club of Mississauga.
NOTE: Payment can also be made at the meeting by cash or cheque for either new members or renewals.